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How to improve the mood in your company?

joycorporate academy

Temporary bad mood or constant gloomy atmosphere, the office environment can take a heavy toll on employee morale. In these gloomy times in business world, the employees can feel uncomfortable and lose the taste for work.

A good level of stress management is not always a sign of wellbeing at work.

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It is up to the team leader to remedy this and orchestrate the implementation of an ambient good mood. Whether it is to achieve operational objectives or simply to improve relations between colleagues, the manager is a mediation factor and can provide an energy boost.

Here are some methods to make your employees smile.

Start by leading by example:

“Nothing is more contagious than example”, said the famous La Rochefoucauld. Three centuries later, this quote remains true. Although some days it is more difficult to display a jovial demeanor, it is up to the manager to lead by example by adopting a positive attitude, turned towards others.

Encourage humor:

The work in an office does not exclude humor. On the contrary, for majority of people, humor is important and a lot of people would like to participate in group activities, communication training to improve the team work. Smiling and laughing are generating a positive mindset.

Bring light into the office:

Working in the dark is depressing.The French spend an average of 39.5 hours per week in the office, according to a Dares study. To imagine this time spent in a dark place, without a source of light, morale is already taking a hit. Because the effects of light on mood are no longer to be proven. A lack of light depresses and affects the internal biological clock. Hence the importance of arranging the offices so that the workspaces benefit from a maximum of natural light. Otherwise, lights placed in certain strategic places can fill the gaps.

Reserve a space dedicated to relaxation:

A few minutes to relieve stress and recharge batteries are great for any employees.

A transport delay, an argument at home or an inappropriate word from a colleague is enough to affect your wellbeing at work.

Now you can take a step back and relax. The manager must make sure to offer a calm and isolated space where the employees can withdraw to breathe and take a rest for a few moments.

It’s important to sit down for a minute or two and take the time to breathe to evacuate the sources of tension. You just have to sit down and take a deep breath, while thinking about something happy. It can be a special space for yoga classes or simply a place where you can relax, accessible easily by all employees.

Keep traditions alive:

Sometthing to celebrate? Is the best opportunity to bring together the whole team.

A manager can stablishing rituals who can unite a team. When a new employee arrives, the manager must quickly explain the rules and the habits and explain how the “old” people work.

For example, each birthday is celebrated with a cake, the team takes an extra hour of lunch break to practice a fun activity together, who can boost your energy level. The main issue is not the ritual in itself. But rather the fact of carrying out it together. A nice and cozy atmosphere at work is decreasing the stress level for all employees.

Mike Dale
Hy, I am Mike Dale. I love sharing the health knowledge that has been a key to helping others, just like you. I'm here to help you become a healthier and happier human being.

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