Health & Fitness

Making Your Health a Number One Priority

Health a Number One Priority

Staying in shape can be difficult. Life sometimes gets in the way, and then we aren’t quite sure how to get back in the swing of things. Staying in shape, though, means staying healthy. It can help prevent diseases and other bodily problems, so it needs to take a priority. Rather than feeling overwhelmed at the gym, working with a personal trainer can teach you the proper methods and form for exercising and hold you accountable when you’re struggling.Health a Number One Priority

What Is Crossfit?

Crossfit is based on functional movements of the body. It is high intensity exercise and often combines multiple sports into one routine. Elements that make up crossfit include:

  • Rowing
  • Weightlifting
  • Gymnastics
  • Running
  • Calisthenics
  • Plyometrics

Crossfit encourages strength building, and it can be an incredibly fun, physically demanding, and competitive form of exercise.

Hands on Coaching

If you’re considering joining the Crossfit community, find qualified personal training services in Bristol that can help introduce you to the sport. Since it is so physically demanding, those new to Crossfit should be adequately trained on techniques for lifting and form. Additionally, one on one training time helps with motivation, especially with those who haven’t worked out in awhile.

One on one coaching also means that you’ll get personal advice. Rather than working with a coach directing an entire team of people, your feedback is individualised, making it easy to correct any issues and prevent injury. Coaches can also provide nutritional advice and guide you through workout recovery so that you don’t hurt yourself when taking on this new, life-changing regimen.

Mike Dale
Hy, I am Mike Dale. I love sharing the health knowledge that has been a key to helping others, just like you. I'm here to help you become a healthier and happier human being.

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