
Review Your New Smile With 3D Imaging

3D Imaging

You can make a permanent change for the better thanks to implantology and 3D imaging. A dental implant serves as an artificial root. The root holds a prosthetic to replace a missing tooth or teeth. Because the implant is made of titanium, it is biocompatible. Therefore, the root is made, so it fuses with the bone without causing an allergy. The process of fusion is known as osseointegration.

Bespoke and Natural-looking Teeth

Once the implant has been placed, and osseointegration occurs, the dentist adds a new artificial tooth, or a bridge or denture. The replacement teeth are bespoke and therefore created according to a patient’s requirements.

Reviewing the Results ahead of Time

What is good about the placement of dental implants in Reading today is the type of technology that is being used. Implants can be added with results that are both predictable and satisfactory. Through the use of 3D technology, you can see just how your new smile will look before going through the implant process.

Making Preparations

Before the process is initiated, you will first sit down with the dentist and express any concerns. If you choose to get implants, the dentist will take measurements, photos, and impressions before beginning the work.

Placing the Prototypes

By using a wax prototype, you can review your proposed smile in 3D. Therefore, the expected results can be viewed from all sides. If you are happy with the looks of the model, the teeth are sculpted, and model restorations are placed. During this part of the treatment, the dentist is checking the new teeth and making any required changes.

It’s All in the Details

At the end of the process, the model restorations are removed, and your permanent restorations are placed. When an artificial tooth is added, every detail about the tooth’s appearance is regulated. The dentist makes sure the restoration is close in colour to the surrounding teeth, and its surface characteristics are near-perfect.

A Permanent and Beneficial Change

If you want to ensure permanency in restoration, the use of implants will help you realise your goal. Once you go through the treatment, you will transform your smile and your outlook on life. Not only will the dental procedure increase your self-esteem, but it will also make it easier for you to eat and chew.

Practicing Good Dental Hygiene

After you have the implants and prosthetics placed, you will want to maintain your smile. That is why you will need to continue to see the dentist twice annually. Brush at least twice a day and floss once a day as well. Rinse your mouth with an antiseptic mouthwash. A whitening toothpaste should also be used once or twice a week.

Thanks to 3D imaging and similar tools, patients can regain their smile and check the results before the treatment occurs. If you are nervous about making this type of change, you need not worry. By reviewing how your smile will look beforehand, you can go forward with the dental treatment with more self-assurance. Schedule an appointment with a dentist today to see how dental implantology can make a positive difference in your life. If you need to find a local dentist you can use the NHS website to see all registered dentists in your area.

Mike Dale
Hy, I am Mike Dale. I love sharing the health knowledge that has been a key to helping others, just like you. I'm here to help you become a healthier and happier human being.

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