Health News

Workplace Wellbeing: 12 Things Your Office First Aid Kit Needs

Aid Kit Needs

Aid Kit Needs

The office may seem like a safe environment, all sitting and no physical action, but you might be surprised to know that, yes, the Australian office does experience a multitude of in-office injuries each year!

From back trouble to eye strain, slips, trips and wet-floor dips, the office is a place that throws up a few surprise injuries for unsuspecting employees. The best thing, of course, is for the team to be prepared for any unwanted accident that may occur.

For this reason, a first aid kit complete with top quality Australian medical supplies is imperative for ensuring an injured member of your team is looked after before the opportunity for further medical attention arises.

But what does every office need in their first aid kit? What are the items to ensure your team is cared for in this most unexpected of scenarios?

Let’s take a look at the absolute essentials below:

1. The first aid manual

Let’s face it: not every team member is going to be a first aid expert. Jane from reception may know a lot more about applying wound care than Will from accounts; Jack might have had more experience in CPR training than Sally from web devs etc.

For this reason, it is important that your first aid kit has a manual that provides instructions on what to do in the event of a workplace emergency and/or injury.

2. Triangular bandages

These handy bandages are oversized and are perfect for using a sling for anyone who may have experienced a broken bone or soft tissue damage.

3. Disposable gloves

Dealing with an open wound can be a yucky job, so you probably don’t want to go anywhere near one with your bare hands. What’s more, doing exactly that can risk infection for the injured person, so it’s always best to have a packet of disposable gloves at the ready – just to be on the safe side!

4. Antiseptic solution

When treating open wounds, grazes or cuts, antiseptic solution can be applied to reduce the risk of later infection.

5. Combine bandages

These are thick bandages that are ideal for controlling bleeding and covering wounds.

6. Saline

For rinsing grazes, cuts and other wounds where the injury may require prior cleaning.

7. A thermometer

This is an ideal tool to have to monitor a staff member who is experiencing fever.

8. Eyewash

Foreign objects occasionally become lodged in staff members’ eyes, so this solution can be used to clear the object from the eye or at least alleviate some of the pain.

9. Cold pack

If one of your staff members is experiencing skin reactions or swelling and needs something nice and cool to soothe or even alleviate the discomfort.

10. Tweezers

First aid kits come in just as handy for minor injuries as they can to help the period between incident and arrival of medical professionals. Tweezers are a handy addition to the first aid kit as they can be used to clear out minor injuries including removing splinters from the skin if a staff member picks one up off the carpet.

11. Scissors

For cutting tape, bandages and more.

12. A pen and notepad

You might want to include a pen and notepad in your kit as you can write down details of the incident as well as what treatments were enlisted at the time of the incident. This information can then help paramedics and doctors who are treating the injured team member.

As you can see – there’s nothing too crazy in these kits, just quality Australian medical supplies. Be sure your office first aid kit is replete with these items to ensure that you can treat an affected person for a minor injury or to help them before further medical help can arrive!

Mike Dale
Hy, I am Mike Dale. I love sharing the health knowledge that has been a key to helping others, just like you. I'm here to help you become a healthier and happier human being.

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